FREE 5-DAY JOURNEY: With Sarah Belle - Modern Medicine Woman, Energy Healer + Ceremonialist 



5-Day Journey to Unlock Your Soul Purpose and Master Your Energetic Flow 
with Earth + Energy Medicine

Join me for 5 days to transcend mind tornados and roller coaster emotions, and get the secret sauce to trust your intuition, step into your purpose and shine your light.
JUL 15-19, 2024
Imagine you ... no longer being taken out by doubt and overwhelm and positively making an impact with your high vibrational energy ... 
here are 3 ways this JOURNEY will change your life forever:
Life changer #1
Discover the Truth About Your Soul Purpose:

Discover what you've been missing when it comes to soul purpose and why now is a critical time to listen to your heart's higher calling.
Life Changer #2
Identify the Energy Patterns that are Holding You Back: 

Uncover why you stay stuck and how to shift the energetic patterns that keep you from following your soul and powerfully shining your light. 
Life Changer #3
Discover the Essential Skills to Mastering Your High-Vibrational Flow:

Learn the most important skill and the proven process to attuning your energy field for higher soul alignment so you can create a life of purpose and impact.


Modern Medicine Woman, Ascension Mentor, Energy Healer + Ceremonialist
About your GUIDE:
Hi beautiful soul! I'm Sarah.

I walked away from the corporate world in 2020 to follow a deeper calling of helping more people learn to embody their inner light. Is that you?!

So many people are living outside of themselves - seeking approval from others; comparing themselves with friends {and strangers!} on social media to only reinforce their not enough-ness; getting caught in mind tornados that keep them stuck; dimming their light without even realizing it; blindly following the programs of mass consciousness instead of considering what they believe to be true; and living with a lot of stress and anxiety in the process.

This was me. And if I'm being honest, some days it still is.

But over the last 15 years, I've been walking the medicine path, investing in countless certifications and continuing education to get to the bottom of limiting patterns. Things like... shamanism, cacao plant medicine, ceremony, holistic health coaching, behavior change coaching, crystal healing, reiki, akashic records, past life regression, EFT tapping, light language, trauma healing, teaching yoga, personal training, and aromatherapy. I've studied the Tao te Ching, the Bhagavad Gita, chakra healing, energy medicine, vibrational sound healing, mediumship, quantum healing, and ascension. I've even traveled on sacred pilgrimmages to India, Peru and Sedona. 

All these years while in the corporate world leading teams, concocting strategic plans, and wearing fancy clothes, I've been 'on the path' as they say ...a closet-case spiritual seeker, Birkenstock lover, nerd for learning and crazy about the mystical realm of energy healing.

And I can wholeheartedly say, by following my soul's higher guidance, I am now walking the path, embodying my medicine and wayshowing for all those who are ready to walk their own, soul-aligned path. 

I am an activator of souls. I turn the light on for lightworkers, and I help you heal and integrate to expand into your higher soul expression through energetic self-mastery and earth medicine.

I've intimately learned how to master the ever-dynamic flow of energetics that are always at play to live my soul-aligned purpose with less anxiety and hold a high vibration, even around VDPs {very draining people}!  

I'm here to activate you and help you heal, awaken, and raise in consciousness so you can live authentic and free, true to your purpose.

If you are ready to stop emotionally and mentally blowing in the breeze, and start implementing proven tactics for living true to your purpose, join me for my free 5-day online journey. You'll walk away with highly-motivating information and impactful tools that you can start using immediately to raise your vibration and embody your truth and power to create the life you desire. 


Join me!

5-Day Journey to Unlock Your Soul Purpose and Master Your Energetic Flow 
with Earth + Energy Medicine

This FREE JOURNEY Will Be Held...
JUL 15-19, 2024
Disclaimer - This RETREAT is entirely free and will give you actionable steps to raise your vibration using a holistic body, mind and spirit approach. Results are not guaranteed or typical. In fact, a lot of real work is involved. At the end of the RETREAT, a program will be offered for purchase.
Copyright © 2024  • Sarah Belle â€¢ All Rights Reserved